Spitting up. Reflux. Vomiting. You Name It !

I never encountered reflux when I was working with young children. I guess my daughter is making up for it.

I was sick during my entire pregnancy and I probably passed it along to my baby who spits up constantly. It goes from mild spitting up, to bad reflux (clear fluid that makes her shiver) to power puking. The poor little things has been suffering from reflux since she was born but because spitting up is so common in young infants and babies, I was asked to wait and see. Until it started to be really bad…She is a healthy baby girl (90% height, 70% weight – she dropped by  5%) but I don’t see how it is OK for her to be uncomfortable after each and every feeding. So I asked our family doctor to give us a referral to see a pediatrician.

We were told she was in between – so that we could make the decision of doing something about it or not. And I decided I wanted to give it a try. She was prescribed Zantac. Unfortunately, she doesn’t like the taste of it (we were warned by the doctor that it didn’t taste good) and will get sick if we insist. So what is the point of it all?

We should be in touch with our Dr. soon to see if she can be prescribed something else that she’ll actually take so she can feel better soon.

Please share your experience on the matter !