How Did They Find Me ?

I started Sixtine And The Little Things at the beginning of February, on a sunday afternoon, with a strong urge to express myself. I have loved blogging since day one and it has been a great way for me to share my feelings about parenting, expat life and being a new mother.

It has also been a place to “meet” and interact with people I would have never met otherwise. It has been really exciting and fulfilling. Somedays posts come naturally and some others, I will post a picture because that is all I feel like doing. Some comments make me laugh, some others make me feel very emotional, and some others comfort me. I also love reading other blogs about parenting, the experienced mums and the less experienced ones, the dads, but also the expatriates, the language lovers, travelers and photograph enthusiasts.

I remember being all excited getting my first few comments and followers. I got emails from my friends saying how much they enjoyed reading my blog and it warmed my heart. I never thought what I had to say would be interesting to anyone.

And then one time I wondered: “How Did They Find me?” And this is how:

  • Misspelt title: “Sixtine and her little things”, “Sixtine and the little”, “Sistine and the little things”
  • Bilingualism: “what are the advantages and disadvantages of raising a child in Italy” (Italy, really?), “pros and cons of raising bilingual children”, bilinguals, disadvantages”, “the benefits of bilingualism in children”.
  • French parenting was a hit: “How to raise children like the French”, “The French way of raising children”,”French approach to raising children”, “French parenting and teething”
  • Vagina toning: “reeducating my vagina”, “French perineum exercises”,”perineal re education”, “The French government wants to tone my vagina”, “French government vagina”
  • Sponsoring for permanent residence in Canada: “Is it easy to sponsor a spouse in Canada”, “is money needed for sponsorship in Canada 2012”
  • Canada: “things to thank Canada for”, “Labour and delivery prince edward island”, “do foreigners like Canadian accent”, “clichés of Canadians”…
  • Pregnancy and motherhood: “is it normal to puke more than 7 times a day when pregnant”, “my French wife is pregnant”,”absent-minded while pregnant”, “perfect mums”…
  • Random: “creepy stuff heard on baby monitors”, “messy diaper”, “sam roberts baby” (in another life maybe lol), “Eiffel tower and baguette”, “why are you interested in Montessori education”
  • Red Bull addiction: (it felt good seeing I wasn’t the only one with Red Bull drinking problems), “how to stop drinking Red Bull”, “extreme tiredness when not drinking Red Bull, “can you get addicted to red Bull”,…
  • Fashion: “Sixtine look” (wow !), “Baby with style” (thank you!), “Okaidi”, “Joe Fresh”, “Tartine et chocolat”
  • Body parts: “Baby big eyes”, “les doigts de pieds recroquevillé adulte” (ewww),”vagina”…
  • Little Red Farm Cultural Exchange, Cloth diaper and Spa Baby Tub appeared quite a bit as well.
  • And some people I wish I could trace back: “homesick in London”, “bad mood new mum”…

I love looking at this world map and see where people are connecting from. I was surprised to see that French people read me a lot more than Canadians although I write in English. They probably are just friends and family !


A big thank you to all of you readers for making my blogging journey an amazing one ! If you haven’t done so already, know that you can also join me on Facebook !