Stimulating Baby : Handmade Baby’s Book of Emotions

I was browsing around for cute things to do with baby and stumbled upon a blog which name I can’t remember at the present time.

Another Mama blogger was saying she had made a Book Of Emotions for her baby with the help of her older kid. She took pictures of her son

looking happy, sad, surprised (…) and put a book together. I thought it was a great idea. I know how much my daughter loves looking at human

faces, and the more familiar the better ! I went to Michaels store to buy some of the things I needed and looked for pictures ! I decided to do it in

French, picked a few words I wanted to illustrate (happy, sad, content, angry, surprised, in love…) and used pictures of her, Papa and myself. I

laminated each picture with the matching word above or underneath it and started punching holes (definitely not the nicest part !).

I attached the whole thing with grey knitting thread and voilà !

Here are a few pictures of my “masterpiece” :


Let me know what you think !