Toddler Practical Life: Window Cleaning


My daughter loves to engage in water play and I was looking for a new activity for her to do that would differ from transferring and require more gross motor skills. I decided to set up a window cleaning activity which was very easy to organize.

I put a towel to define her work space and prevent slippery floor at the bottom of the window, a bowl filled with warm water and natural dish soap, and two dish cloths on her right hand side.


As always, Sixtine impressed me with her concentration, but even more so by how clean the window was once she was done! I don’t think I clean them that well.


She really enjoyed this activity, and stayed concentrated for quite a long time…until she put her foot into the bowl which marked the end of the activity.


  1. A Frog at Large says:

    I wish I could do stuff like this! But I live in the UK where houses are covered with (nasty nasty) carpet everywhere. It would be carnage if I let my daughter loose with water in the house.

  2. ahahahaha I was waiting for the foot in the bowl 😀
    Well done Sissi !! TJ loves to clean the windows as well ♥

  3. What a great idea, i think my daughter would adore this <3! Beautiful pictures as well!

  4. 1createblogs says:

    thanks ! nice post!

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